Protect Poverty

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The man sitting begging on an overpass with messages homeless people please help and work well with food.

How To Prevent Poverty

Poverty can be prevented by providing people with the necessary resources to live a decent life. We should make sure that we are not underestimating the power of education. Education is one of the most powerful tools that we have in our hands and it can help us prevent poverty from spreading. There are many other ways to prevent poverty from happening, but these two seem to be the most effective ones.

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Helping Poor & Backward Classes

Help the poor and backward classes with free education, shelter and helping children by providing them with food and hostel so that they can focus on their studies and get a job when they are educated enough.

01 Increase Employment

The world is in dire need of jobs and employment. The global unemployment rate has been increasing. In order to prevent poverty, it is important to create more jobs and employment opportunities for the people in need.

02 Introduce Agricultural Programs

One of the ways to address the issue of poverty is through agricultural programs. Agricultural programs are designed to provide people with access to food and income-generating opportunities so that they can escape from poverty.

03 Access to Common Social Services

Many people living in poverty do not have access to common social services such as education because they can’t afford it. Governments should introduce new policies to address these issues.

04  Access to Technology

The internet and technology can be used to provide education to those who are not able to access it. This is a way of preventing poverty, as the lack of education can lead to unemployment and in turn poverty.