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Preserve Water
Water is one of the most important elements on Earth. It is the key to life. We need water to drink, cook with, clean with, and many other things. That’s why it’s so important for each and every one of us to do our part in conserving this natural resource. There are many ways that we can save water. We can turn off the faucet when we’re brushing our teeth; take shorter showers; and not run the dishwasher or washing machine unless they’re full. We can also garden efficiently by using drip irrigation instead of sprinklers, and choosing plants that
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How To Preserve Water
Take A Short Shower
One way to conserve water is to take shorter showers. This can be a difficult change for some people, but it is worth it. When showering, aim to use less than five gallons of water. You may need to modify your routine a bit, but it is worth it. If you take a five-minute shower instead of the average eight-minute shower, you can save up to 2,700 gallons of water per year! That’s enough water to fill up a backyard swimming pool.
Fix A Leak
A single dripping faucet can waste more than 2,700 gallons of water in a year. That’s enough water to wash 270 loads of laundry! Fixing leaks is one of the simplest and most effective ways to save water. Here are a few tips for finding and fixing leaks: Check your faucets, showerheads, and toilets for leaks. A small drip from a faucet can waste up to 2,000 gallons of water per year. Use a water meter to check for leaks in your irrigation system.
Use Only Low Flush Toilets
Low flush toilets are a great way to save water and money. Low flush toilets use about 1.6 gallons of water per flush, as opposed to the 3.5 gallons of water used by traditional toilets. Low flush toilets have been shown to save households about 20% on their water bill. If every household in the country switched to low flush toilets, we would save billions of gallons of water each year! You can switch to a low flush toilet by replacing your current toilet with a new low flow model, or you can install a low flow converter on your existing toilet.
Turn off The Faucet
Facets account for a large percentage of water usage in many homes. However, there are ways to conserve water without sacrificing comfort. One way to do this is by turning off the faucet while brushing teeth or shaving. That one minute of not running the water can save up to three gallons of water. One way to save water is to turn off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth or shaving. A family of four can save up to 12 gallons of water each day by following this simple suggestion.